Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Japan gets flooded and earthquaked big time
and people hack PLAYSTATION NETWORK?
Either these CRIMINAL IDIOTS have no common sense, general knowledge or it was a planned attack by some company that couldn't defeat the might of SONY or produce half the games that SONY had published. Now all the smart fags will act smart by pointing this out as the company's downfall or failure.
I'll point out this, as HUMANS the people who did this are not human. This is a big failure being HUMAN. They dont deserve to live. Whoever did this, stealing other people's money, put SONY and playstation in peril. I hope you get Alzheimers and die a thousand deaths. If you want to steal money go steal the money that the politicians owe you. Not some private company that tries it's best to entertain people Artistically. This is being human FAIL. Shame on the humans who did this. F*** you! Now I hope that the world ends in 2012 and hope the ones who did this get hit first! F*** you!


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