Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

reviews schmreviews

There are those who make movies.

Those who teach.

Those who cannot do both... drum rolls please ...write negative reviews

Especially when it comes to comic book movies where a legendary character transits from 60 to 100 years of character building through comics. All of that will be smitten like swatting a fly by the reviewer who failed to make research before his/her review who will get paid no matter what. (EVEN AFTER RESEARCH, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE FOR THEM TO UNDERSTAND THE CHARACTER OR FILM)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

DC Universe - Everything you know will change!

No worries!

this is not like the ultimate universe not an earth 52 event or an elseworld event

THIS IS THEE MOST EXCITING THING TO HAPPEN in the history of American comics

Entirely new DC Universe!

With the economy digging graves for everyone else (except for itself, as we know the guys of economy are having funds and fun)

Comic book shops everywhere are shutting down. This event will improve comic sales and comic interest even in the generation that "lives for the moment (not the 'real live for the moment' if you know what I mean) and thinks dubstep is the only form of music (england) or say "that beat is sick" (when it is not a drum beat but a tune played on a piano).

Downloads for money will happen with all of those sweet handy devices like Ipad, Iphone, Kindle, etc etc.
Also there will be buzz at the comic stores all over.

Marvel tries to attract new readers after every 6 or 12 issues these days. For example, Daken 9.1, X-Force 5.1 (issues in between the ending and beginning of new story lines). It may not be confusing for people like us who have followed comics for a long time now. But others suffer a lot. End up buying something they didn't need to.

This New DC Universe. Traces were seen in the beginning of some DC issues some time ago. Flashpoint has begun and if you have not begun reading I kindly request you to start reading from Flash #9 and join in with the Flashpoint storyline. It is really exciting. Give it a chance and you'll see what's happening and what is about to happen is even MORE FUN!

This is like the J-Art revolution. The reign of the Japanese Superflat in Japan and all over the world. Finally the American comics will not just give entertainment but will try and make lives better (just like Japan).

image from - DC Comics

I do not try to attack anyone or their tastes, I need suitable real life examples. And I tend to use the ones I have experienced.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Japan gets flooded and earthquaked big time
and people hack PLAYSTATION NETWORK?
Either these CRIMINAL IDIOTS have no common sense, general knowledge or it was a planned attack by some company that couldn't defeat the might of SONY or produce half the games that SONY had published. Now all the smart fags will act smart by pointing this out as the company's downfall or failure.
I'll point out this, as HUMANS the people who did this are not human. This is a big failure being HUMAN. They dont deserve to live. Whoever did this, stealing other people's money, put SONY and playstation in peril. I hope you get Alzheimers and die a thousand deaths. If you want to steal money go steal the money that the politicians owe you. Not some private company that tries it's best to entertain people Artistically. This is being human FAIL. Shame on the humans who did this. F*** you! Now I hope that the world ends in 2012 and hope the ones who did this get hit first! F*** you!


Monday, April 11, 2011

KAPOW! Comic Con coverage Part 2

Man if it was 3 years ago I would've cried like a little girl and would've given up easily. Those people who got me in. I owe them. I owe them BIG TIME!

DAY 1 - Saturday 9th April 2011

So I didn't waste anymore time as I had entered the con between 1 or 2 pm, the first person I was about to meet, I had brought 4 issues with me. My Dark X-men was back home tsk. Reasonable que and then PAUL CORNELL! He had a beard hahahahah. What a guy! What a guy! I complimented and thanked him so much and he admitted that he enjoyed the action comics series and we spoke for about 3 minutes. He signed my stuff and I told him someday I wanted to work with him. For which he replied, "If you think I'm good enough then yes!" Then, he stood up, got out of the desk and took a pic with me. At the end of our conversation he also knew that I loved the New Gods/Darkseid! So he wrote something special on the annual issue!

Now I didn't know if I would make it to the convention till 11 am when I made the first phone call to the wonderful people who helped me get in. At this point, I couldn't believe that I got in and just met Paul Cornell and commuting with the fellow crazies or 'true believers' (as a certain cameo-future-oscar-winner would call us). I had to believe! Without wasting any more time I ran to the JR.jr que. It was like the whole of India were on que. It seems pointless and then I saw the Mark Millar que, it was like the whole of China was there. Can't blame the fans, you know. Should not blame the fans and must not say things such as, "What do they know about JR.jr or Mark Millar." If they weren't real fans, they wouldn't be here after spending 25 pounds on the weekend ticket. Speaking of weekend ticket, long ago I had plans for just one day out of the two. To think about it, how wrong I was. One day? At Kapow Con? No no... SOLD OUT Kapow Con! Who am I kidding. So I ran away to get some food as I had not eaten anything since the previous night. Yes, 'cause I was worried if I was going to make it or not. I ran to the restaurant to get a sandwich, crisp packet and a drink. Remember to pack yer own food when you come down to a convention. The prices are just absurd. I think it goes up when they see a sold out crowd and expect us to dish out a lot of cash, can't blame them either. Put them in my bag and run again to the Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill que. I've met these Gods before. But I had a different plan this time 'round. I wanted them to sign a sketch that was done by me. I had already begun sketching at the train station while I was waiting for the train, but it came too soon and I had only finished the outlines and half of the details. I did manage to finish the sketch moments before I ran to buy the sandwich, crisps and drink. If you've seen my youtube channel already or if yer going to. You would've or will see a video clip of Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill (back shot), shot from the first floor (that was moments before I continued to work on my sketch). Sitting there and drawing gave me a good feeling. The aura of all of the heroes and the cheerful spirit of fellow fans must've helped me finish the sketch as quickly as possible. I tried not to think how it would feel if I was there at Kapow someday, signing books for fans and pose with them for pictures. But I couldn't help it. Heh. The thought invaded my mind until I finished the sketch. After the sketch, I bought food (remember to pack yer own) and caught up with the Pat and Kevin que.

Unexpectedly, I spotted Simon Webb. The story of Simon Webb and myself, how we first met and how we became friends on facebook is a bit funny and ... creepy? Not sure. Well I took a picture of a cosplayer dressed as Shaun from Shaun of the dead one year ago at the London Film and Comic Con. After I uploaded that picture on facebook, I saw a suggestion on the right side of the window and it had a similar looking face on the profile pic. It said Simon Webb, so I sent him a friend request after checking out his info page (similar interests, to a level). He accepted the friend request and he even joined The Great Rebellion (one of the fan club pages that keeps me active on facebook, great page!). I had even sent him (Simon) a message couple nights ago asking if he had extra tickets for the convention after I saw his status update asking if any of us were going to Kapow tomorrow (i.e. on Saturday). So we met at Kapow and wasn't expecting to see him when I did. He looked a bit creeped out at first, but I assured him that it was coincidence and that I'm not a creep! Ha! So we spoke about all things comic book for the next forty minutes while on que. Even despised the JR.jr and Millarworld ques. He wanted to meet JR.jr and I wanted to meet Millarworld and JR.jr. We couldn't get to meet them on Saturday. Finally I met up with Pat Mills, told him that I had met him at the University Convention last year for which he said that he had enjoyed it. He saw my sketch and asked me if I had done it and I proudly admitted that I did. He asked me if I was a big Nemesis fan and once again I almost screamed the rebellious cry! But controlled myself and answered politely, heh. He asked me what did I want him to do with the sketch, I requested him to write CREDO! along with his signature and he did just that. Right next him to him was Kevin O'Neill. He remembered the university convention as well and signed my League of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen book which I had bought from Landmark in Madras. He looked at my sketch and appreciated it by writing it and wished me well on the sketch itself. It was a good day, not as productive as I wanted it to be. Even though I officially met 3 creators. I saw JR.jr (was standing behind his chair while I was on the que for Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill) but didn't meet him. I saw Mark Millar but didn't meet him either :-{
I saw Peter Hogan (it was sad to see that man with no que and the only book I had was in India. I tried looking for it at the stalls because I wanted to make him feel better by getting it signed by him, he is a legend and was once a proper working comic creator and editor too. None of them had his book and I almost quit the Kevin O'Neill/Pat Mills que to go talk to him. Suddenly this dude showed up and asked him if he was THEEEE Peter Hogan, then the dude asked him to wait and pulled a chair from a near by booth and started this long conversation with Peter Hogan. It was nice to see a good soul! Nice to see Peter Hogan happy. We ran to the first ever STAN LEE awards! Boy that was good fun!
Stan the man sent us special video message(s)* (check my youtube channel, I have them in there). The presentation was funny and great. Plus the winners were fairly chosen. (Check my album and youtube channel). The Guinness Book of Records made a presentation after the Stan Lee awards. You can check this link out for information on who won for what:
Finally, we had to choose between 25 minutes of THOR movie preview or meet the cast and hear what they had to say about the movie, their roles etc. We made up our minds and went to the IGN stage set up and saw THOR and LOKI in person. We were going to see the movie one day so we chose to see them in real life instead. Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. They looked perfect! It was great of them show up and I had managed to record clips. Make sure to check my youtube channel for videos.
With that, the 1st day had come to an end. All the ques were blocked by the security. Simon and I went around for a bit searching for good deals on books or figures. But there wasn't much time, plus they were chasing out the fans as they wanted to play by the rules.
And as Simon and I were standing out in the entrance (after we were formally wished a good evening and chased out heh) I was recording the big Green Lantern poster. I saw Peter Hogan walk towards the station with his big coat and cane, with a smile on his face. That made me feel good too! I did not remember seeing him on the confirmed guest list or I would've made arrangements to meet him. However it was nice to see an under appreciated legend walk with a smile. Simon and I headed to the nearest burger king, he was not hungry but I was. We sat down and exchanged books to see which ones the each of us got signed and the ones that we didn't get signed. All good fun, we left after I finished my meal, he came down to the station with me and said he will send a text message as soon as he reached the convention tomorrow (Sunday, the second and final day at Kapow Con). We planned on arriving as early as possible after we checked up with the timetables and schedules. To try and meet with as much guests as we could.

DAY 2 - Sunday 10th April 2011

At around quarter to 11am I got in! I had to buy coffee for the people who helped me get in. So I went straight to the restaurant bought coffee and gave it to them. Who were these people? You'll know soon. I ran to the Kieron Gillen que, very good man. Around this time, Simon Webb sent me a text saying that he was going to try to catch the JR.jr que. I was able to meet Kieron Gillen soon because I was number 10 in the que I think. Had to compliment him a lot, for his work on THOR was and will always be considered as something I enjoyed and still enjoy (as I carry one particular issue with me) and I told him all of it and got that issue signed. He even drew a mini mjolnir on my issue. Hope I get to draw for him someday. As his writing when combined with art is visual poetry! (And I managed to tell him all of that). He also told me that he was working with Duncan on a Loki story. As soon as I was done with that, I ran around looking for the next creator to get my book signed. Noticed that I had missed Sean Phillips by just moments away. So I found his sketching booth and stood on the line. Had to stand there for an hour as people were asking him to draw stuff for him. It was boring to stand in the que when all I wanted was just a signature and a pic. But when I found a gap to see him draw. The master at work. Damn! The lines just came out of no where and then the water colours to compliment. People were paying hell of money for each sketch and it was all worth it! Standing there and watching him draw and paint, was not boring at all! It was like a master class! Finally, 2 fans who were in front of me agreed to let me get my book signed before they asked him for a sketch and even Sean Phillips himself asked the people who wanted to get their books signed come forward. CHANCE! Dashed forward, got the book signed and took a pic with the master of light and shade! Not much conversation there, but a firm handshake and a set of thank yous and see you again were shared. Good man, Sean Phillips. Wish I had the older books like DD or Criminal. From there, I ran to the Olivier Coipel signing table. Too bad there was no que as his time was done it seems. But he was there and the staff told me that he was doing an interview. I had to wait, until his interview was done. And waited and waited and waited even more. A couple of French VIP punks showed up and began chatting him up followed by another press guy. Then I caught him, requested for him to sign my book and had to take a pic of us by myself. He was leaving the building but he was very calm and friendly. Olivier Coipel, good artist and good man! Hope I don't get to take a pic by myself when I meet Gail Simone ;- ]

So far so good, today has been more productive than I had dreamed of. Already met 3 creators. And there was still 3 or 4 hours left. So I ran to the Leinil Yu's que. All three of them, Dave Gibbons, Leinil Yu and Frank Quitely came down half hour later than the scheduled time. It must've gotten late for them at the 300 pounds charity lunch heh. No problem 'cause I finished my bacon-potato salad while I was waiting in the que. I'm glad I came early to the que, 'cause it grew pretty large, further down on Leinil Yu's que. So I finally met him. One of the two artists who brought back the lost interest in comics for me. Leinil Yu! Great to have met him. Good conversation as I was early in the que so no hurries. We talked about meeting again, we spoke about Paris and just like Kieron Gillen he wanted to see my art too. Hopefully he will in the near future. We spoke about my favourite page and panel from my favourite BIRTHRIGHT issue. And the man knew exactly which one I was talking about. Because this panel had made me cry. This panel had angry justice! I wish I had brought my entire Gotham Published BIRTHRIGHT DC comics* and got them signed. (These American comics were reprinted in a smaller format in India under Gotham Publications, about 10 years ago.) Also got my Superior issues signed! I can't stop saying it, it was truly great to meet Leinil Yu. If I have to be biased, then here it is. It was truly a highlight! Then I saw Doug Braithwaite! Talk about highlight, man this guy is one of my favourite artists. And his covers and internal art of the JL and Wolverine and Wolverine & Daken and I could just go on. One of them artists whose work on internal and covers were of equal awesomeness. Doug Braithwaite! I didn't have any cash on me to buy a couple issues just to get them signed. Damn the cash machines, they need to have a repair guy or bank guys repairing and filling the machine with cash during a busy convention day. Whatever I had of his, I had just taken them back to India when I went down for a great occasion during summer. But he was kind enough to strike a pose with me. And that was great! I ran to the Frank Quitely que. And as soon as I had reached, more people joined in. Then a security guard came by and told me that they cannot guarantee a meet up with the artist. As he had a flight to catch and they had asked everyone to limit it to 2 items per person (to get signed). I had 3 issues of ALL STAR SUPES. My other FQ titles like Missionary Man, WE3, etc etc were all back home in India. Tsk. It is hard to travel with these books, so I just brought in what I had to get them signed. Security showed up yet again and said that the guy before me was going to be the last lucky fan to get his book signed. I did not lose my cool. I am nice guy you know heh, so I was calm and I waited eagerly and quite frankly was not angry. 'Cause I MADE IT! Frank changed asked the security to go away hahahah and continued to sign for fans. I met him and he is just awesome! I have heard that he has mood swings, etc etc. But he was very kind to me and I was just so lucky to meet him regardless of the mood swings. See I just love Frank Quitely. He is one of a kind artists. With all his underground comic art culture and his unique idea of producing art for a comic book, I totally look up to him. He is quite frankly one of the greatest artists I have ever known. He signed both of my issues and even posed for a quick pic, where I almost (wanted to) kiss(ed) him on the cheek. He is just too much! Good quick conversation and good hanshake. The pic was taken by a staff member whom I was chatting up earlier, she definitely couldn't have wanted to chat with me any further after the way she smiled when she was done with the camera. She must've thought that "I liked dudes." And I was off to the Dave Gibbons que. I had already met mr. Gibbons twice. First at the University Convention and then when he came by to the comic book store (casual meet). I saw a guy in a suit in the que. Then he told me that he was standing there to block the que. It was a security guy! I was not lucky enough. I wanted Mr.Gibbons to sign my Mint On Card Ozymandias action figure! I just stood there to find a chance, but nope. Some other VIP punks continued to chat and flushed any available chance. The JR.jr que was blocked. No sign of Mark Millar either. The que for both these men when they were sitting together, went up to two full floors of people. Basement and the ground floor. Everybody was allowed only 1 item to get signed and I had this empty feeling because I couldn't see them. I WANTED TO SEE MARK MILLAR AND JOHN ROMITA.JR! Remember how I said, I would've cried? I managed to control my tear ducts. I didn't cry but I felt empty. I felt that I was not done. Was not ready to leave the convention. Was not ready to go home without meeting these two. I had 10 issues of their work together (more back home). Wolverine, Ultimates, you name it and I had it in my bag. Separate work too! Mark Millar Terry Dodson Spiderman! And many many more. John Romita.Jr - DD, Punisher&Batman, etc etc! Half of my backpack had their stuff. Even Kick ASS! Tsk. I saw Danny McBride (right now from Your Highness) at the IGN set up. Simon and I went around looking for good deals on books and action figures. Managed to get two figures. Mattel Subscription exclusive BOOYAH! DC Variant cover and Neca Gears of War figure, my brother would be happy, also a certain someone who almost ruined my childhood would be happy too, heh.

I was not going to miss this convention for anything. Instead of giving up I tried whatever way I can to get in and I got in. Yes it took a lot out of me, lot of energy lost and loads of stress built up. But hell yes! It was worth it. I was here not just for myself. I was here on behalf of my buddies. The good friends, who know, recognize, appreciate and contribute to the industry. You know who you are. And I wouldn't have missed this for the world! But sadly, I couldn't meet Mark Millar or John Romita.Jr. I had great plans, even funny plans. But it just wasn't going to happen. Time was up and Simon was outside already. I had to help these people. The people who helped me get in. They were LIMITED EDITION COMIX. I had to help them pack up the load (of comics and figures). Had to make 3 or four trips down to the loading bay with all that load, after closing the boxes. And I did, managed to help them move the load and fill up the van. I had to help them, without them, I wouldn't have made it to the Kapow comic con. They asked me to stick with them long ago. But I thought why trouble them and relied on a certain scum to help me. Scum washed hand in the last minute and BOOM! I had to reach for their help! It was it's own kind of fun, helping them load all the comics and figures. Good times! Saw all the stall guys, audio guys, stage set up guys, independent promoters, loading all of their stuff too. Last load was the heaviest as the security informed us that the loading bay was closing down in 10 minutes. If we weren't gonna make it. Then we would've had to carry the boxes out the front door, through 2 staircases. That was LAME! So we did it! We finished it all up. At this point I had to choose 2 pathways. I was offered to go with them back to the comic store near the place I lived. The other was to meet Simon who was waiting outside for me and go home with the return ticket that I had bought already. CHOOSE! I chose to meet Simon as he had been waiting to meet me for about 45 minutes. Told them I will see them soon and left through the loading bay entrance of the convention. Walked around all the way to the main entrance. Simon was there in the Hilton Hotel Bar. Went to meet him, he bought beer for me. Italian beer ;-]
big serving and the taste was great. Very generous of him. We were on a table talking to a couple more people. After a while I recognized along with Simon that one of the people on our table was, Steve. Steve from SCI FI magazine. Well, now he is freelance writer but he used to be a genuine writer for SCI FI magazine. He was on our table, with us! Time was moving forward and I was growing sad. The fact that I couldn't meet Mark Millar and John Romita.jr alone put me down a great deal. I know I met a lot of my heroes, but when you go up to the JL Satellite Tower, you would want to meet all of them. Not just Superman or Green Lantern only. Everyone! Tsk. Our table was funny, the weather was alright. Suddenly I saw Kieron Gillen drinking on one corner talking to a couple of people, then David Hine and later Andy Diggle. All of them were chatting and drinking in the same area. I saw MARK MILLAR! Saw him leave the premises :-{
Steve the now freelance and former SCI FI mag writer shared drinks with us. Heh, who would've thought we would be drinking with him someday.

It was getting darker. Steve the former SCI FI mag writer, Chris (one of those irritating types), Emma (she worked on the event, knew Mark Millar, but I couldn't ask her to help me get a pic with Millarworld as he had left the area in a car) and Film/Comics PHD, Professor (he was cool). All of them had to leave. Simon and I moved to the table behind us. And little did we know, there was Nick Lowe and another good artist on the table. It was surprising to be sitting near them. There was also a shady figure on the other side, showing his portfolio to all of us. The work kept growing familiar on me. I had to make sure it, BE SURE! But it was too good to be true. Once again, I thought, "why would an artist like that be sitting on the otherside of our table and handing out portfolios?" I thought this must be some kind of joke. Because I just saw two MAJOR art works that I owned in that portfolio. I said, "Surely, these are Glenn-" I was cut off and the shady figure helped me finish the line. He leaned forward and I almost had an heart attack! "-Fabry, I'm Glenn Fabry." He said. I took a big swig off my glass. WHAT?! This cannot be true! It was Glenn Fabry! He was there on the same table talking to me and Simon. We are talking about one of the greatest artists ever. It was unbelievable to see him hand out his portfolios to us, talking to us!

REST OF THE EVENING AND HOW IT ENDED will be published in private, Picasa...

My Youtube Channel

KAPOW! Comic Con coverage Part 1

I didn't make it or Did I?

"Cool story" begins here "bro".

Someone else said he will buy Kapow tickets for me
and flopped me up on friday morning. April 8th 2011. I didn't want to do anything with my life after he slipped that information. And the name of the scum is not worth mentioning.

And these tickets
were not available at door entry. Strictly for fans buy online print ticket and enter the con. I came back home (from university) to check if they had any tickets left but ALL SOLD OUT!

I even checked on ebay if anyone was selling it there I was ready to spend what i had saved for ps3 or hot toys kevin flynn, 178 pounds VIP ticket but that was sold out as well. Even the charity lunch ticket was sold out 300 pounds to have lunch with yer comic book aritsts writers etc. All sold out. I stayed awake till 3 am (fri night - sat morning) trying to figure out a way. I was also searching for Guns to kill myself. Seriously incase I didn't make it.

There was this bunch of people who invited me 3 months ago to whom i said, "NO! THIS DUDE IS GETTING ME A TICKET!" So i send them a message, a pathetic message. Like the one I sent to my ex girlfriend as soon as she said that it is useless as her father would not approve of our alliance. I fell asleep almost crying woke up Saturday morning 9 am on 9th April and continued my efforts.

As a last resort I simply called a store (which I thought would have been closed due to their stall at the convention). A great guy answered the call and gave me the number of the peoples who invited me 3 months ago. Called them directly, they were at the con already, told them what happened again, and he said "you just come here and i will send someone to take you in." Whoa indeed! I didn't know how it was going to work with tight security and all. But still I packed my comics (heh) and left to london kings cross and from there just one stop to the Angel tube station, went to the original entrance of the business design centre which had become the loading bay and was shut.

Found a dude packing his back pack, he smiled when i asked him the way. He also told me that marvel had just approved his portfolio. Yes he was all smiles. I congratulated and thanked him.
Then I found the entrance.

Imagined what it would be like and how the stalls were put in, the booths were arranged and how the stage was set up and how many of my favourite creators was I going to meet...

I made the second call he answered after long set of rings, sent one of the recognizers for me and then...

I got in.

... to be continued ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book Review - Nathan the Caveman by Ben Bishop


Book – Nathan the Caveman by Ben Bishop

I have read Nathan the Caveman three different times (when I was happy, when I was sad & angry and when I was tired). Just to make sure if it had the same effect no matter which way the moods swung. And fellow readers I must say it is a clear winner from my experiment. The story graphics is enjoyable. The way it is passionately written and drawn. This book has been carefully constructed and wonderfully designed, be it the placement of the word balloons or the panels itself. This book is surely one for the vaults and worth every penny you spend on it. One of my favourite characters was the dude. Nathan the Caveman is a great success in terms of graphic novel because it is completely driven by feeling! If you have still not read it, then now is the time to buy it as it is a great read and different from what we read regularly.