Saturday, September 1, 2007


ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE AND... ...India has too much cast (population) and too much caste (you know that separating shit)
"I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm too lazy to do any work and I can't stop listening to a bunch of music tracks about a thousand times, every time. Most importantly, I can't stop giving my views or stop thinking."
"Man is not a good person. He lies, he cheats and steals. But when he is in love, he is better than GOD itself. He will be in love so much, that he might forget to eat, sleep, or spend time with all the people whom he grew up with, and all his man-friends too. Only as time passes by, he learns to juggle the things around him. Trying to be fair with everybody else. Yet, he spends more time with his woman or tries to. He cares for her more than anything. And usually, man has less history or no history at all (you know what I mean). And all of these apply to a good man, not to a gigolo."
"Woman is a very good person (men, I'm not joking). When she is in love, she is purely addicted just like the man. But she knows her limits, she has more control over herself than man itself. The people who grew up with her don't find any faults with her (although they may have huge doubts right from when she was 13). Clearly, a woman keeps up with her timetable in her brain. I have no idea whether a woman cares as much as the guy, so I cant say anything more about it. And usually, woman has loads of history, compared to man. An Indian woman has more history compared to any woman in the world. And are best keepers-of-own-secrets."
"Man is a loser on the whole, but it's men like these... ...get the best out of a woman. ALWAYS! At some point of time, all men do think this way, but a few good men are truly in love, not into lust. And most of the girls who eyeball me or whom I don't mind staring-back-at, are married, to some elderly looking grandpa. I'm only 21, and imagine my situation. It's just too much for me to face. Woman does not have a stable mind. So do men, but most of the time, earth girls are not easy. Men are easy. We know what we want. And nine times out of 10, it's just one thing. Women have no idea what they want, so there's zero hope for us."
"And women make huge mistakes*, so do most of my friends' IT friends (some guys are too desperate, and I refer to them as ITem friends, and some know nothing or too scared to commit themselves to a relationship) (huge mistakes* - Bad choices, bad decisions. Sure, nobody has the intention to choose the BAD stuff out there, but you can use yer brain for common sense too, not just for scoring marks in studies, trying to hide things from parents, dissing the boy friend at certain times, dissing boy friend's requests, not-a-steady-mind, blaming the break-up reason on yer parents situation or the many things you hide from yer man, etc etc)"
"As to find out the truth about 'WOMEN-WOULD-DO-ANYTHING-TO-ACHIEVE-WHAT-THEY-WANT.' I asked a 50 year old woman indirectly through an example and her answer was scary. Believe me, I am better than that woman and so are you (men and women who are reading my blog, women of the current generation). You (women) are all GOLD, compared to the women of the earlier generations (there may be some 'exceptence'). But things get out of hand for you, easily. Either you are stubborn or you lose control. We (men) love you all, some of you have good knowledge of everything that is life and use yer brains well."
To all men and women, "don't end up being a hypocrite. Don't do something that you already know is bad. Live yer life to the fullest, live happily ever after. Today you might worry, tomorrow a lightning might strike you head-on from the sky and turn you into ashes. Why die with an empty feeling? Love while you still can, while India is being ruled by Indians, yes, India is heavily debted to the world bank and anytime soon all the countries who've lent us money will come and colonize in our country, snatching and separating every part of this country. Example: China captures a few states, England will be back for sure, so do the Portuguese and the Dutch, Korea will be using some states for checking their weapons, etc etc. We'll have no place to live, no food to eat, no clothes to change, and the one person whom you knew well would've been killed to set an example already (I can see some of you boys and girls reading this are jumping in joy) or traded for another slave to some other state or country (still, na na na na na, not dead). But still, if you know what you are doing is right and feel it is universally applicable (don't apply it to India, No - Thing is right here). Don't say that you don't care about the 'universal thing' -you need to socialize at least somewhere and live happily. No one wants to live a sad-sorry-excuse of a life." {I know I can be annoying. See, that's the result of thinking about EVERYTHING (:B)}
To men who have been single all their life,
"Don't rely on lady luck. You either have luck, or you don't. If you don't have luck, don't put yerself in situations where it determines everything." (:B)
If any of you wish to read more about the wonderful and mysterious thing called love, visit and read "THE BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUS" (:B)
In this game of chess that I have played by myself with both sides (women and men), neither side wins, but both the sides have lots to lose.
"I've been off and on-line frequently, meeting some friends here and there. But my cellphone and I have not been close friends for a while now, I think it's 'cause of the connection I'm using. And it's (name of the stupid connection service provider) not worth mentioning over here. Anybody who had trouble reaching me for a while now, here is my reason."
"I might direct a Tamil movie as an assistant director if luck plays a good role (as it always does to many others who don't even like to be part of the film industry). But I lack the experience, so let us see what happens. Other than that, the comic development is on the hold 'cause I have to make a couple of short films. YES! A wise friend or two, will be my co-worker(s). About the comics, Captain I.N.D.'s name (the title itself) might change and his origin plot might change entirely too, since I plan on re-working it. Scool Spy on the other hand, is going well."
"Stop embarrassing yerselves by celebrating INDEPENDENCE DAY. More people in our country were not complaining, when they were being ruled by the brits back then. They were happy enuff to send their daughters to the white man's house after curfew. By forcing her to go, they could live in peace. While she'd have to carry a half-pig inside her and try to answer it, when it grows up asking questions. I understand the pressure behind these things, but I'd rather fight an army than to send my daughter to a filthy pig's bed. Now, I'm no racist. But I consider any man a pig: who meets a woman in bed. But has never met her before." (And pigs are filthy animals)
"I don't have to tell you, but you should already know this has been happening all around you, all these years and many years to come (i.e., if we don't step up and put an end to this filthy shit)."
"India was a beautiful country with its ancient culture. We were dressed in gold when all the peasants in other countries were dressed in cotton & wool (I love cotton clothes too and I know you do too, but I mean... All of us dressed literally in gold, imagine that). People with rich health and rich hearts. Well, we live nothing compared to this anymore. Not even worth talking about comparison. Our old fools were not brainy enuff to continue the royalty. Look at us now. I understand that no country is perfect. But look at us. We are definitely not in a situation to celebrate independence. Oh, and do all of you like the design of the national flag? I just like the chakra, that's all."
Okay, may be the tv channels and radio channels have developed into many. But the maturity and civilized manners have not struck the minds of our people. People who ask me to "GROW UP" are actually the ones, whose brains have not developed yet.
There are people out there, fighting for country against country. India is the only country which has all kinds of fights. Race, religion, inter-state fights, inter-caste fights, inter-gender fights (men don't spend time understanding women and women don't understand men). Wowie! But August 15th shouldn't arrive, that's it. They'll say, "All Indians must unite." What a sick, im-mature joke. And read that "national pledge" of ours again, "ALL INDIANS ARE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS..." Oh, blimey! Is that why we have a lot of retarded children around here? Cosins marrying each other and all. Okay, let it be BROTHER AND SISTER itself, does that mean, no one should get married? Or are the people following the pledge properly? I cant see it happening. Correct me if I am wrong again, INDIA is #1 in birthrate. I hate the INDIAN PLEDGE, cause it does not make sense at all. Am not asking you to hate it too, but just see how stupid it is... ...yet, English is one of the important languages in our country. I hope no foreigner gets to read our pledge. DAMN!
"I think India should continue the barter system again, our currency value compared to all the other countries, is just too low (do we still have stuff here to barter with?)
All the people who are reading my blog, who are involved in BUSINESSES. Make money and try to make them in good ways as best as possible. I know it's tuff to change the age old India-cheating-business-strategies, but don't let the reserve bank to keep printing new money bills anymore. Already the trees on our walking platforms and road-sides are missing. And we are too populated and polluted to live without the help of trees. (:B) We should begin manufacturing flexi-fuel vehicles, which run on 80% ethanol and 20% petroleum. Corn is not that hard for us, we are one of the few SUPER AGRICULTURAL countries after all (but with loads of sad farmers, some of them are sad no matter what).

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Way better than the original (the first movie). Good comic action, good comic humor, nice selection of story parts from the comics. If one of the King of comics, Jack Kirby was alive, he would've been very happy to see this movie. I was both happy and sad to see the Silver Surfer on screen.

'Cause he was one of the 10 characters I had in mind to make a film about. These Hollywood bad boys are fast. Anyways, Doug Jones who played the Role of Silver Surfer. Did a tremendous performance (most of you may not know him well, he is a wonderful theatrical performer and he played ABE SAPIENS in the movie HELLBOY). I wouldn't pay to see anyone better to play the role of the Surfer. Great choice by the casting directors and the director. The rest of the gang Ioan (mr. fantastic), Jessica (invisible girl), Chris (human torch), Michael (thing) and Julian (Dr. Doom) did a brilliant job in this one. They had more good parts for their roles in this movie. The whole concept of Doom with extra power cosmic was shown so well. The new costume, the intolerable arrogance, etc. I still couldn't stop laughing about the shot where THING shouts at a bear in the forest. The concept of the HUMAN TORCH with the-power-4-ending was a good idea and once again, greatly shown on film. This combined-power-of-4 concept is from SUPER SKRULL. (on the image)

is a villain from the skrull planet (in the marvel comics universe, its a planet which has been trying throughout generations to make humans its slave. That is all i can say about the skrull planet, if you wish to know more, then read Fantastic Four comics). I loved the London's big wheel sequence too. Overall, I'd rate this as 5/10. That was for disappointing me by not showing GALACTUS (devourer of planets, wanna know more about him, read about him in wiki or Google his name). The mighty lord GALACTUS, the one I fear, the one I pray not to come to my planet. The one whom SILVER SURFER serves/served, was not shown properly, I don't know why they are saving his appearance or what for. But if they wish to show him, they must do it soon. Or may be, who knows (thinking sinisterly). Alright, as a movie. F4: ROTSS gets 10/10. Perfecto! Even the way Galactus was shown was cool, all that floating cosmic energy. (Hey if you don't understand what cosmic is, then it is beyond what you are capable of. Ha ha ha!) The cast and crew did a great job with this piece of movie. Nice screenplay, 100 times better than the last one.

Something happened here in our movie theatres. Some stuff were cut for no reason. This is only a PG rated movie, but I don't know for what reason our people cut it. One of them is where STAN-LEE (comics legend and co-creator of F4) arrives to the wedding of Reed and Sue.

Next blog will have a larger than life look at TRANSFORMERS the movie.

To all the people who know they are bad, to all hypocrites and to all who think that religion or caste is bigger than humanity. Here is what I have to say, "Just because you are a character... ...that does not mean you have character. And you suck forever!"

Anyways, have a great month!